Monday, March 14, 2011

Things that are rocking my socks

Early Morning Training

Surprisingly the above photo is not me and i suspect that LIFE wouldn't want to take a photo of me parking my car in filthy smelly newtown @ 6am in my gym gear which i have thrown on minutes previously. I am one of those people that has a busy start and end to the working day and if i'm not paying attention i can still be sitting at my desk working when i should be on route to the gym for an arvo class or work out and then get frustrated and more often than not just go home without training. So this week i am determined to work out in the morning before work so far so good. I feel full of energy and like i have given my daily to do list a HUGE tick.

T2 Gorgeous Geisha
This tea is Divine the scent of the strawberries and cream is intoxicating and transforms me from boring desk job to lady of leisure indulging in high tea. It's green tea so it has all those benefits of green tea but the strawberries and cream mask the sometimes bitter taste of green tea.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Losing the last 5kg, well 13.5kg...

I lost 0.90kg this week which was pretty good considering that i had a pretty chaotic Australia Day which included consuming almost 1 bottle of wine, white bread and cheeses!
Today i am starting on the Detox diet from losing the last 5kg by Susie Burrell
I like to do diet plans from books and magazines the key for me is to mix them up and not do the same plan for too long otherwise it gets boring and you fall off the wagon. I like Susie Burrell she seems to be a little go getter and has a very balanced approach to nutrition she puts together diets than suit your everyday person they aren't complicated and don't require you to by a million special ingredients from the health food store.
So day 1 looks like this
Breakfast - Large Bowl of fruit salad and a vegetable juice (i have V8 hot and spicy) (tick)
Morning tea - 1 piece of fruit (i will have 2 kiwi fruits)
Lunch - Detox Soup (i am adding 1 piece of rye sourdough as i am still training and need energy
Afternoon tea - 1 piece of fruit and 10 walnuts (i will have a banana)
Dinner - 1 Tuna fillet and steamed veggies (i am substiting chicken for tuna as i forgot to go to the seafood shop.

Also Susie says no to caffine but i am sticking with my coffee i only have 1 per day and it helps me function

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Calm before the storm

I'm here at work and it's a sloooow day i am up to date on most things and have decided to spend the afternoon closing off files, which is a strong indication that i don't have anything to do. Of course that will all change next week. My boss who i share an office with will be back all my staff will be back and i will have significantly more projects to manage and people to manage so i should enjoy this quite day but it is just depressing how slowly it is going and it's so routine.
Since i have been a serious blogger i have noticed quite alot has changed in the blog world and so many people are doing product reviews on there blogs now which i love because i am such a consumer so i thought i might do some to on beauty products and health foods that i try.
Yesterday i received the pure fiji coconut spa basket i ordered last week and at first i was underwhelmed with the size of the basket and the product but after being in a bad mood hot and bothered last night i jumped in the shower with the body wash and scrub and followed up with the coconut oil and body lotion and it totally transformed my mood i can tell that i am going to enjoy these products as a nice little treat for a while now i have wanted to committ to a beauty maintainence day and it's kind of mostly on sundays i think my spa basket will help me to make that committment. I will do a proper review later when i have tried everything out.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year

Weight: 94kg :(

Mood: Optimisitic

Current Nutritional thinking: Clean whole foods not too restrictive aiming for more natural foods and looking to make some cheap, healthy meals.

Current fitness thinking: Train hard, more committment to weights

Goals for the year: Obviously to be at goal at my 30th Birthday (20 weeks away).
To put more effort into my day to day look i.e. do hair, wear make up, wear something that look nice.
To save money or more importantly to stop spending money on crap that i don't need.

Today has started well i have had Carman's muesli with 1 banana, strawberries, blueberries and Jalna fat free yoghurt and done RPM with the inspiring Wendie who is back instructing after having a baby 3.5 months ago. She is a good coach and very much focuses on encouraging you during the class. I've had a morning snack of Mainland on the go light cheese and crackers and a carrot and am now watching some Dr. Phil before tackling my next project of cleaning out my kitchen i.e. throwing out the junk! It's going to be a long day.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


So this morning i weighed in 4kg less than i did this time last week and all i can think of is that i have cheated my way to being here. On the one hand i am proud that i stuck to the urban remedy detox to the letter of the law and have since been following a body science meal plan stictly but on the other had i think i wouldn't have such a big number had a not been on the juice detox.
My personal trainer wasn't happy that i had opted for the juice detox wasn't happy at all she suggested that it is just water weight and was dangerous and not healthy which i totally accept and to a degree accept.
The whole reason i wanted to do the detox was to draw a line in the sand with my add a kilo lose a kilo approach to weight loss and to break some cravings for sugar, salt and fat.
I just want to stick with it keep up my momentum and get it done. I also quite like having my meals mapped out for me via a meal plan menu provided they aren't to difficult (which they aren't with body science)i find it gives me something to focus on food and calorie wise and i am more interested in sticking to the plan rather than thinking too many other thoughts about food.
I have giving up coffee now and am full time on herbal teas and water and now i will only drink coffee when out and about.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Urban remedy detox day 2

Good news is i lost 1.3kg overnight but i guess that is expected when you only consumer juice for 1 day.
I don't feel hungry but i feel tired and a little dizzy at times. That didn't stop me from doing RPM last night i'm still undecided if that was a good idea or not. I got through the class but i kept wondering if i was going to faint so i'm not sure how much my focus was on pushing myself in the class but i feel like i put out in my usual effort in the class and i could feel my heart beating out of my chest at times.
Today is melbourne cup day and i will have to avoid eating in the inter office feast which i am happy to do i will just have to explain the juice detox to all the non believers :(
Ok 3 minutes till my first juice of the day

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Urban Remedy Detox

So i am doing a 3 day level 1 cleanse starting today.

Yes the thought of no food for 3 days does FREAK me out but i am also looking forward to it. I put alot of emphasis on food. Purchasing it, Preparing it, EATING it, cleaning up after it and all the emotional baggage that goes with it. So the chance to take a break from food is challenging and i am optimisitic about it.

Of course i will be happy if i can lose some weight but i understand that may not happen. I am alreading seeing benefits. after 3 hours. Mainly the clease suggests that you drink a glass of water and or herbal tea between each juice (taken every 2 hours ) and i am enjoying the challenge if i can add this into my everyday life of focusing on drinking water it will help me.
I am also looking to break my cravings for sugar which are pretty bad. After i finish the clease i am going to follow the meal plan from the body for women website . I was lucky enough to win $1000 worth of their products on facebook so i have all the key ingredients for the smoothies, protein balls and muffins. I have cooked a batch of muffins and they are in my freezer waiting for me on thursday.
I want my body to reflect the effort i put in i am awesome at health and fitness 90% of the time and it's the 10% of the time when i binge that i let myself down and ruin all the effort i out in. This morning walking around woolies i noticed other consumers shopping. Ceasar salads, 4 packs or red bulls, chips lollies chocolates and all these people looked slimmer than me. I want to get the rewards for the effort that i put in.